Entrepreneurial Challenges in Post Covid Period: A Study on Micro Entrepreneurs in Agro Food Processing Sector in Thiruvananthapuram District
Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial challenges, Micro entrepreneurship, Post covid period, Agro Food Processing Enterprises, Remedial measures.Abstract
Entrepreneurs are risk takers and thus they have many challenges in their entrepreneurial life.(Hébert & Link, 1989) after synthesis of different definitions says, an entrepreneur is one who takes responsibilities, makes decisions, which affects the whole aspects like location, using of goods, the resources and institutions. A micro entrepreneur is one who have a small investment in business, have less number of employees. They have a great role in solving one major issue faced by any society, which is unemployment.(Punitha & Jeyakumari, 2018) points out the importance of micro entrepreneurs in contributing in to stable, sustainable community of any economy. (Kalogiannidis, 2020) Covid have created many problems in the whole world. There is no exemption for any one from its trouble. Huge losses have been incurred by businesses during this period. A drastic change happened in almost all the parts of economy after this pandemic situation. Entrepreneurs faced many challenges because of this situation happening in the economy. Since the micro entrepreneurs are in most numbers, their challenges in post covid period are to be studied and evaluated. So, this is a study on the challenges faced in post covid period by micro entrepreneurs engaged in agro food processing in Thiruvananthapuram district. The study was conducted among micro entrepreneurs engaged in agro food processing in Thiruvananthapuram district. Study considered the challenges related to financing, receivables and payables management, competition, stability of sales, and affordability of payments, raw material availability and technology adoption aspects of entrepreneurship. Primary data was collected by using structured interview schedule. Secondary data was collected from websites, online journals and online newspapers.
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